In memory of Papa Fred Hsu,
I dig in my old files of prophetic words in Singing Waters Ministry in Tronoto, Canada.
In the morning of 07-31-99 during 8:00-8:30am, group devotion time, 10 Chinese brothers and sisters prophesied over me regarding my future direction.
At that time, Ps. 33:8 was the words I received from Rev. Fred Hsu,
“ I will instruct you and teach you ‘in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”
進到水深之處 ! 他 加 註說!
For me, 若要預見未來 的黃金十年 到 2031,
過往兩個黃金十年的追溯 與 回顧 則是必須的--
而許爸身影 的影響處處可見 !
十年前 2011/11/11
在溫哥華的 華人五胞胎回家 聚集 中,
應是我上次跟許爸 有親自私下談到話 !
當然期間仍透過 FB, emails 讀到 他的家書,
他的信仰反思 和
對天父的愛與 熱情 !