就像小鴨認親 出生看到的第一眼 就是永遠
每次見到牧師 他的耿直 誠懇 善良 就讓我有好像回到台灣 見到父親的感覺
牧師幫助我們家人很多 (一直想向您道謝 )
他是一個解惑者 好像你一開口 他就知道問題 而他也不厭其煩地回應 你會完全信任這個人真的是在為你好
來不及 前陣子想要再與你聯絡 總是有藉口 無法成行 很是懊悔
「我若不信在活人之地得見耶和華的恩惠 就早己喪膽了 ….當我們受到特別的喪失和痛苦的時候 我們的信心常會動搖起來 我們也會說 我不能再忍受了 我喪膽了 ….當你靈性軟弱時 停止自己的活動 安息 …神給予我們的信息 知道祂是神 不猶豫的信心能証明神的真實」
感謝牧師 您永遠都會在我們的心中
What can words say that will share what the heart feels. How I will miss Papa Fred, a father, a pastor, a friend I have deeply loved. His kindness and graciousness was beyond measure, his steadyness so consistent, his faith immovable, his joy infectious. To have journeyed together for so many years and to have had the great joy of friendship has been a treasure to be valued. The many times we’ve enjoyed the presence of Jesus at HIC or in the Hsu home or in family meetings are all precious in my heart. I look forward to enjoying eternity together with the one called, the lover of our souls, the Lord Jesus! Donna Parachin