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Nov 12, 2021
In Special Stories
That was the Ellel's Spiritual Warfare conference in LA hosted by Agape Renewal Center, ARC. Then, the following year summer, I met Rev. Hsu again along with other 20 some brothers and sisters from his church. We were attending school of healing by Singing Waters Ministries in Toronto for 4 weeks ! Later I had visited his home and church several times whenever passing by the East Coast! One most vivid memory for me is in Sep. 2005! I was flying from LA to Scotland, so stopping by NJ, and staying with Rev. Hsu's families for a few days. One evening, Rev. Hsu brought home a huge painting given by an American church pastor. Interesting enough, later on when I flew to Scotland and visited some churches, and i found a church sanctuary was exactly the same scene with that huge painting ! I even got a postcard of it from that particular church! Of course, later I had shared this incident with so many friends of mine, and amazed with such a coincidence ! Though, deep down in my heart, I know that for a Christian, there is no coincidence at all, since everything is orchestrated by the hands of our loving Heavenly Father! Thus, though sad but also joy to know Rev. Fred Hsu was promoted to our loving father's embrace! May the Lord continue to bless his wife, Rev. Monica, his 2 sons and grand kids! Remembering by Laura Sun from APTS, Baguio, Philippines! 2021/11/04 現讀許牧這“教會是個家”的40年牧會心願, 對照我昨臉書po文中提到的, 有位美國牧師轉贈許牧的 那幅蘇格蘭教堂建築內景觀的大画, 其實画的重點是, 耶穌不在衆人聚集的講台前, 而是俯身站在大堂最後排椅邊 的憂傷落寞者旁~
Nov 12, 2021
In Special Stories
2021/11/11 In memory of Papa Fred Hsu, I dig in my old files of prophetic words in Singing Waters Ministry in Tronoto, Canada. In the morning of 07-31-99 during 8:00-8:30am, group devotion time, 10 Chinese brothers and sisters prophesied over me regarding my future direction. At that time, Ps. 33:8 was the words I received from Rev. Fred Hsu, “ I will instruct you and teach you ‘in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” 進到水深之處 ! 他 加 註說! For me, 若要預見未來 的黃金十年 到 2031, 過往兩個黃金十年的追溯 與 回顧 則是必須的-- 2021/11/11-2011/11/11-1999/07/31 而許爸身影 的影響處處可見 ! 十年前 2011/11/11 在溫哥華的 華人五胞胎回家 聚集 中, 應是我上次跟許爸 有親自私下談到話 ! 當然期間仍透過 FB, emails 讀到 他的家書, 他的信仰反思 和 對天父的愛與 熱情 !


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